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Please fill in all the fields in our form. Once you have sent in your application, you can no longer change any of the text, so our advice is to write a draft application first. On the next page, we would like the following information:

  • Why you are suited for this residency, and how your practice alignes with the aims of our project (3000 character limit)

  • Your thoughts and ideas about your stay/creative ambition/project proposal (3000 character limit)

  • A relevant CV (Please include your name in the file name, "Your Name, CV")


You are welcome to add other relevant links, like a webpage that leads to your CV, information of earlier relevant projects, etc.

The proposal can be written in English or Norwegian.

Selection criteria:

  • Applications that match our goals and ambitions

  • Artistic ambition

  • Innovation

  • Social impact

  • Track record of artistic practice

Problems or questions? Send an e-mail to Hanne (the project manager)

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